Our Coaches

Cartoon of Coaches

Art work created by Reeann Gagnon

Welcome to our coaching team page.  Carnegie Judo Club is proud of the quality, experience and expertise of our coaching team.  We hope you enjoy reading about us and the roles we play in developing the club and players across all age groups from Tots, Junior, Senior, Veterans and more recently with our group of Safe Falling participants. No matter your interest or aspiration for learning and doing Judo and Judo related activities we can help.  

Head Coach:  Jim Feenan, 6th Dan

Jim is an Honorary Vice President of JudoScotland and co-founder of The Fighting Chance Project (Scotland) charity aimed at helping young people with social, emotional or behavioural issues or other additional support needs. He is a BJA Senior Examiner, UKCC 4 Tutor, Assessor, and BJA Level 5 coach and has an MSc in Advanced Sports Coach Practice. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), a Fellow of the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (FCIMSPA) and a Fellow of the Institute of Leaders (FIoL).

Coach:  Iain Feenan, 4th Dan

Iain is a former GB Internationalist competing at UK, European and World events. He is the owner and driving force behind Fudog MMA teaching mixed martial arts and BJJ along with Judo.


Coach:  Colin Dunlop, 4th Dan

Colin is a UKCC Level 2 coach, Trainee Senior Examiner and Kata Examiner.



Coach: Andy Swinburne, 3rd Dan

Andy is a long time Carnegie Judo Club member and coach. He has been part of the JudoScotland Coach Academy and is a UKCC Level 2 coach. Andy won the JudoScotland Technical Official/Referee of the Year in 2022 and Gold at the 2022  British Masters.


Coach:  John Shearer, 3rd Dan

John is a UKCC Level 2 Coach. in 2024 he successfully completed the Technical Theory requirements for his 3rd Dan

Coach:  Chloe Moir, 1st Dan

Chloe has 13 years of judo experience and was previous Irish national champion and national medallist, competing all over UK and Ireland.  She is a UKCC Level 1 Coach and 1st Dan Black Belt. She is a key member of our junior coaching team and said "Judo had a massive positive influence on my youth and I want to support young players the way that I was. Teaching resilience and work ethic to take beyond the mat".

Coach:  Sean Doran, 1st Dan

Sean is a UKCC Level 1 coach and keen to support the Safe Falling Programme. He won a ?? medal the 2024 Commonwealth Championships in Malta,  Scottish Open and GB Masters/Veterans and joined the 2024-25 GB Veterans Squad.


Coach:  Bill McNeil, 1st Dan

Having completed the 5 year requirement for his promotion to 1st Dan, Bill was award his Black Belt in the cockpit of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner before disembarking at Haneda airport, Japan.  This allowed Bill the privilege of stepping on to the tatami in the Kodokan wearing his new grade.  Bill is a UKCC Level 2 coach and keen to support the Safe Falling Programme. He won a ?? medal at the Scottish Open and GB Masters/Veterans and joined the 2024-25 GB Veterans Squad.